May is traditionally the month when a lot of communion and spring parties are held. 

Do you celebrate at home, do you choose a theme, what will you eat? 

If you organize the party at home, then we know what to do: a delicious barbecue that young and old will enjoy. VITB is happy to help!  


A communion or spring party at home

Nowadays many people organize their children's communion party at home. This is very cozy and practical: you can sit with the whole family in the garden, the children have their toys close at hand and if they get too tired in the late hours, they can simply be put to sleep.


What will be on the table? 

A barbecue is always fun and requires little preparation. In our webshop you will find a range of different pieces of BBQ meat. 

So you can start the party relaxed.

We keep our fingers crossed for good weather on this special day.


Leave nothing to chance and make a to do list. Tick off what you have already bought and keep an overview.

1. Ask for help: enlist the help of family and friends to help you prepare the food, set up and decorate tables and chairs and for any emergency trips to the store if you forgot something.

2. Provide enough tables and chairs (also consider an extra table for gifts), plates, glasses and cutlery. Rent additional equipment from a caterer if necessary.

3. Decide on the menu: what you will prepare yourself and what you will order from a caterer.

4. Make it cozy: pay attention to your table decorations and provide fun extras: a separate table for presents, decorations (garlands, balloons, etc.) and entertainment for the children (craft materials, board games, etc.)

5. Provide spare clothing so that your communicant can romp along to their heart's content.

6. Say goodbye to your guests with a nice thank you.